

我们各分行的营业时间因地点而异. 点击 在这里 获取离您最近的分支机构的具体信息.

我的账户被锁定了. 帮助!

确保您的帐户信息安全是我们的首要任务. If we detect someone failed to log in to your account after multiple attempts, we’ll lock it down.


没有问题. 以下是重新进入的方法. 在网上bat365仪表盘或手机应用程序上, select Forgot Password to obtain a temporary password to log in. 要做到这一点, 你需要你的用户名, 社会保险号, 会员号码和以下两项:电子邮件, 生日, 或者邮政编码. From t在这里, you can arrange to have a temporary password sent to you via email or text.


如果你的卡丢失或被盗,不要害怕. 我们会和你一起解决这个问题.


To submit a report during normal business hours (Monday through Friday), 请直接致电(985)652-4990或(888)652-4990.

If you’re trying to reach us after hours or on the weekend, please call (800) 682-6075.

如果你手边还有卡号,你可以使用 MyCardRules应用 关掉你的卡. 看这个 教程 学习如何.


你发现你的账户上有可疑的交易吗? 你可以很容易地通过填写表格来对费用提出异议 持卡人争议表格 在我们的网站上. From t在这里, we’ll review your claim and help to make things right.



网上bat365仪表盘, your direct deposit account number can be found by clicking the Account tab, then Account Details.

在手机bat365应用上, you can find it within your checking account under the Account Details tab. 仍然需要帮助? 看这个 video 获取分步说明.


Louisiana FCU is part of the biggest free ATM network in America, 所以不管你是往北走, 南, 东方或西方, 你可以在我们30家bat365中的任何一家取钱,全国有1000台自动取款机.

点击 在这里 在附近找一个免费的自动取款机.





你当然可以. Here are two ways you can deposit a check without stepping foot in a branch.

移动支票存款快捷、安全、免费 Deposit checks from the comfort of your home with our Mobile App


Simply log in to the app and tap Deposit Checks to snap a photo of the front and back of your endorsed check.

遵循这个 教程视频 学习如何在移动设备上存支票.

我们的自动取款机从不睡觉 Deposit checks 24/7 at your local branch ATM or any one of our 30,000 CO-OP ATMs across the country.


How quickly can I get money after I deposit a check into my checking account?

这取决于. We place holds on deposited checks so that we may verify the funds and protect you from potential fraud and money loss. Our general policy is to make funds from check deposits available to you on the first business day after the day of the deposit. Longer holds may apply depending on the type of check and amount you deposit. In some cases, the first $200 of your deposit may be made available on the first business day.


  • 通过流动存款存入的支票
  • 将支票存入非附属机构的自动柜员机
  • 任何一天的支票总额都超过5000美元
  • Checks deposited within the first 30 days of opening an account
  • Foreign checks drawn on a financial institution located outside the US

We encourage you to hang on to your deposited check for at least 90 days before securely destroying it.


一旦我们审核并批准了你的存款, we will send an update of the deposit review to the email address on your account.


绝对. 网上账单支付是一个方便的方式为您安排, track, 在一个地方组织和支付在线账单. 要开始,只需登录 网上bat365,单击“账单支付”选项卡并选择“注册收款人”.


What’s the difference between “available” and “pending” balance?

核对账户时, you may find that you have two balances — an "available" balance and a “pending” balance.

你的 可用余额 是你现在能花的钱吗.

悬而未决的平衡 is the amount of money in your account that is still processing. A pending transaction occurs when you use your credit card for a purchase but the funds haven’t quite transferred over yet. This most commonly occurs on transactions w在这里 you leave a tip (like restaurants or the barber shop). Gas stations and hotels also use holds that may temporarily limit your access to cash.

To avoid overdraft – use the “available” balance as your actual account balance.

Can I transfer money in my Louisiana FCU account to another bank?

当然. You can transfer funds to another financial institution using the Bill Pay feature in the 网上bat365仪表盘. 要开始,只需登录 网上bat365,单击“账单支付”选项卡并选择“注册收款人”.


We offer a wide variety of account alerts to help you stay on top of your balances and transactions. 您可以通过电子邮件接收这些提醒, 移动文本, 推送通知, 如果你愿意,也可以三者兼而有之.

遵循本教程 video 了解如何设置帐户提醒.


更新您的个人信息, 比如你的地址, 电话号码和电子邮件地址, click on the user icon in the top right corner of the 网上bat365仪表盘 and click Settings. 您可以在联系人选项卡中更新您的个人信息.



请致电(800)411-6390或访问 activatemycards.com 激活你的借记卡.


点击 在这里 在线重新订购支票.

Will my credit and debit cards work when I travel out of state/out of the country?

绝对. If you are traveling, please contact our Call Center with your travel dates and destinations. We will place a note on your cards alerting our Fraud Center that you are traveling. This will lift out-of-state/out-of-country restrictions so that you can use your Louisiana FCU credit card with zero issues.



网上bat365页面 点击蓝色的网上bat365登记按钮. You’ll be redirected to a registration page w在这里 you can begin the process.

看这个 概述视频 to discover all the features available to you on our online banking platform.


一旦你注册了网上bat365, you can will see an overview of your account on the 网上bat365仪表盘. You can easily access more details on each account by clicking directly on the account.

看这个 概述视频 to discover all the features available to you on our online banking platform.

Is it possible to check my account information online without signing up for 网上bat365?

不幸的是,没有. To view your account information online, you must sign up for 网上bat365.

还有问题吗??   请求回电话.